Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tenkei Strawberry Marshmellow


aaaaaaaaaand, we're back! The new camera has arrived and so I am back on track with normal updates. Sorry for the long delay! My old camera went missing in action for a while. I'm not a great photographer anyways so please be kind while I figure this one out.

(pafu to ichigo- puff and strawberry)

For today's treat we have Tenkei Strawberry Marshmallows. I've seen this sort of treat around forever, but this is honestly the first time I've tried it. When not for blogging or novelty's sake, I'm slightly more cautious on which treats to spend my money and these stuffed flavored marshmallows just sort of weirded me out. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually love Peeps, but there was something about grape and cola flavored packaged puffs that did not sit right with me.

Each marshmallow is individually wrapped and there are 3 marshmallows per suggested serving which amounts to about 34 kcals per puff. Not terrible if you have a sweet tooth.

I sort of found this treat to be mediocre. I didn't hate it but I probably won't go back for seconds.  It's VERY sweet and is more reminiscent of a strawberry ice cream strawberry flavor. The marshmallow is softer than your average Jet-Puffed brand marshmallow and the inner strawberry filling is creamy, though a bit chalky. There is also a sweet powder covering the puff that likes to stick to your fingers (and then to your brand new camera while photographing said treat).

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